Another successful golf outing! Golf, sun, fun, friends, and food were all part of the day.  There were great prizes to many winners this year.

tims-team tonys-team trents-team rons-team nikkis-team jasons-team tims-group-pic trent-and-nicole ron-s tim-glancey-glasses tim-roder-and-wife tim-roder-little-girl nikki-and-aaron nikki-group-prize ron-and-nicole-glasses ron-gabel marpa-glasses marpa mike-d mr-and-mrs-snyder nicole-hula jeff-king-glasses keith-and-wife-glasses kevin-harris-glasses kevin-harris-prize chuck-prize girls hendricks-hula-hoop hula-hoops jason-hula-hoop before-golf brad-mitchell-glasses chuck-and-josh chuck-and-wife chuck-hula-hoop